The Season to Prepare
Where did the time go? It came around so fast!
These are the sentiments we’re hearing around this season…the season of the 24-25 school year.
It’s almost like we were just in the month of July, celebrating Independence Day.
And now we’re seeing all the ‘Back to School’ ads for school supplies and gear.
We at Girls and Boys of Character are preparing for the new school year.
How Are We Preparing?
We are having conversations about preparing for the school day. During our discussions we learn about their preparation processes and offer suggestions.
We challenged the older ones with listing their preparation process to visually see how it could be improved.
Some of the children made the commitment to prepare their outfits the night before or for the entire week.
Preparation increases health and reduces stress and anxiety for both the children and their families.
To stay ahead of the game, we are consciously aware of our children’s schedules. We are aware of their football practice times and dates, their games, recitals, as well as their other extra-curricular activities. And as much as possible, we try to support them by attending their events.
We understand that support is critical in the development of a child’s social and emotional skills.
This has given us the opportunity to have amazing conversations. The children realize that we are invested in them inside the program and outside the program.
Our personal investment in them helps to build positive relationships.
In our program we provide homework assistance. The children come with their homework, and we help them complete it.
And as you may have guessed, we do get some children who say that they “don’t have any homework”. Well, we have a remedy for that too.
Norma Venable, the Founder, has prepared ‘Homework’ folders that include worksheets appropriate for their grade level.
Oh yes, we have them well covered! We are dedicated to preparing our children for success.
Here’s to a great new school year!
Picture credit_ Matt
Picture credit #2-Megan